A Broken Citizenry fails to pick Leaders who can make responsible long-term decisions...
I'd like to call your attention to an excellent post from my friend Lee Wilson's Education Business Blog titled " A Broken Senate Fails America's Children ". Hie thee hence... Unless you've stopped believing that Government is of, by, and for the people, this debate needs to happen around every family dinner table (or pub or workplace if you don't have a family). In the end, we get the government we deserve. My comments (also submitted to Lee's blog) follow: It seems as if SLGs were asking for a bridge (to carry them over the chasm with level funding) or at least a parachute so they could land at a lower level with minimum damage. Unfortunately, like Wily E. Coyote, they've been handed an anvil. Given that 80% of the costs are labor - and a lot of that labor cost is biased towards the longest-serving teachers (whether or not they're the most-effective ones) - which of the options do you perceive as most likely? Are there other alternatives t
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